We engage you as a whole person, so you may continue to develop and thrive in life.
• Does someone you love worry about your use of alcohol or drugs?
• Do you ever fear you have used too much?
• Do you sometimes forget what happened last night?
• Do you at times feel sick as it is wearing off?
• Do you find you look forward to your next use?
“Yes” to any of these indicates a concern. An assessment can clarify whether it is a problem.
• Do you need help to stop drinking? Have you tried to quit? Even stopped for a week or longer without a drink? But then after a while, you don't feel right without using something?
We can help you feel better, motivated, and energized--and stay off all substances, including alcohol. We will help you restore emotional as well as physical health and give you the confidence to stop without relapsing, while you repair relationships and improve balance in your life.
• Do you feel your partner and loved ones just do not understand that their pressure on you to stop using just makes things worse? Do you feel you are dealing with stress and problems they just do not understand?
Sometimes daily stresses of work and relationships seem unbearable. And maybe you tell yourself you are not going to use or drink, then without even intending to, it happens. You feel there is no other way to get relief. We can help you find non-chemical ways to relax, regain confidence, and start enjoying leisure and hobbies that you had stopped because of all the stress. We provide group, individual and marital counseling that will guide to regain the support of loved ones that you have been missing.
• Do you feel using stimulant drugs (cocaine, meth, crack, snow, blow, speed) is the only way to feel energy and motivation anymore? Have you compromised your health, even though you promised yourself to stop using?
We know how unbearable that feels. We will help you restore your health and energy without using these substances. Our program of group, individual and marital counseling will help you regain that healthy feel of growing and thriving without the backlash, withdrawal and other consequences from the chemicals. Call us today for an assessment to explain in detail how our program works to restore your health.
• Is the fear of addiction treatment stopping you from asking for help? Do you worry about going through withdrawal? Or being labeled, criticized, or silently judged?
Please call us for safe and confidential treatment which can take effect today to prevent withdrawal and cravings. We provide Suboxone along with individual, group and marital counseling. Our doctors, nurses, psychologist and counselors have over 40 years’ experience treating both addiction and emotional problems.
• If you are pregnant and taking pills that are not prescribed, please call us for safe confidential treatment. In the last three years overdose deaths of pregnant women has increased 81%. Let’s change that statistic! We can provide the safe and proven treatments that are best for you and your baby, now and in the future.
After a thorough Assessment, we develop a Treatment Plan with you to use your strengths to address your needs. Services we offer include Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), individual, group, family therapies, medication-assisted treatment, psychological support, case management and crisis intervention. We reward progress in specific goals by contingency management procedures.
Our IOP meets 3 days a week, 3 hours per day for 12 weeks or more, according to individual need. Family group meetings are included. Aftercare groups meet once a week for 2 hours. We provide Medication Assisted Treatment, using Suboxone or Vivitrol, for example, and medical support to sustain recovery, while we teach non-chemical methods to address relapse prevention, pain, stress, relationships, and physical and emotional well-being. We welcome pregnant women struggling with addiction. We engage you as a whole person, enlisting existing strengths to build up areas that need improvement so you may continue to develop and thrive in life.
Today’s street drugs containing fentanyl, and its analogs, are extremely lethal, and often do not even respond to Narcan. Do not submit yourself to the danger of these often-unknown chemicals. They are in everything you obtain that are not from a pharmacy, even if the pills look like what you have gotten from doctors in the past. We can provide immediate relief without withdrawal or cravings. Please call us today for confidential assessment and treatment available today!